DAY 9: Exercises and Long-term Dreams

9th Day of the weight-loss programme

Did you enjoy exercising today?

I shared a little secret with you yesterday. I told you that it gets better usually two days after resting from exercises during the weekend (See yesterday’s article). As a result, you don’t have to give up when you don’t feel like jumping on Mondays. Yet, you are ready to jump high on the second day. I enjoyed my jumping this morning. I’m sure that you did the same.

The relationship between your exercises and dreams

I wish to state that it is very imperative to link your weight-loss programme to other equally important activities in your life such as your dreams. This urges you looking forward to exercising. I have not come across a business-owned gym with such opportunities. This is one of the advantages you get from exercising within your own arrangements, since you plan your exercises according to your wish. If you are mixing exercises with other activities, you must plan a day before so that your routine runs smoothly without slowing your mood.

This morning, not only did I exercise, but also I ventured into my personal dreams. Thus, I did the following activities during my weight-loss programme:

  1. I woke up early and made my slimmers’ drink and tea
  2. I prayed as usual after drinking my slimmers’ drink
  3. Then, I did something unusual: I watched a 10 minutes video about my major personal project, and meditated about it with prayer. I rethought about my long-term plans. It was great to reconnect with my dreams because I haven’t been there for about a month now. I like recording my plans on voice and video. Sometimes, I just listen to my  recorded voice, and check where I am with my dreams. I love making my life my personal life project. I hope that you are also using your exercise time to do more than just exercises. Otherwise, your exercises would be a boring routine if you do not combine them with something you love doing.
  4. I jumped 1300 times (1200 counts in the morning within 23 minutes which was an improvement on yesterday’s morning jumps, and 100 counts in the evening). I did not do much in the evening because I feel like I am about to have a cold. I sat next to a man, who had a cold in the library. So, I decided not to over do much exercises in the evening to allow my body to feel, rest and fight the cold.
  5. The power surges damaged my blender. Therefore, I would not use vegetables in my slimmer’s drink this week until I replace my blender next week. I will use a hand squeeze to  prepare juice from oranges, watermelon, guavas, and grapes.

Generally, I would say that I really enjoyed my day.